Breaking past the waves

1 minute read

You’re basking in the sun, enjoying the wonderful weather, when you get a whiff of soft breeze from the water. You smell the scent of salty fun waves calling your name. It looks inviting. Taking a few steps closer, you can now see the kids playing in the distance, laughing and spraying water. You can only wonder how much fun they must be having. You take a few steps closer, bringing your toes to the shore line. A wave comes crashing in sending, chills up your toes and through your whole body. The cold! You were not expecting that. Now you start doubting how enjoyable this adventure is after al. The second wave comes in with even more force, splashing you with water unto your knees. Not as cold, but still much less fun than you thought.

The kids are calling you from beyond the waves and you’re inching forward trying to acclimate to the new environment. Until you muster up the courage and fully embrace the abrasive change of weather, it’s not going to be easy, you tell yourself.

 All of a sudden, there’s a strong shove from behind, sending you hurdling into the water, face first! Your friends have snuck up from behind and sent you crashing into the ice cold water. Oh the cold! The blast of cold that quickly turns into the gripping feeling of water suspending you in the lake. That once cold and horrifying feeling starts to change into an engulfing feeling of buoyant support as you float past the waves towards the kids. The feeling of doubt and fear being washed away and replaced with the excitement of all the fun while swimming and playing in the lake.

Every new stage of life is like going swimming in the lake on a warm summer day.

